Menstrual Garden
Jiabao Li, 2022
Exhibition at Olfactory Art Keller
Menstrual Garden is a scientific investigation and multisensory installation. It contains the smells of fresh menstrual blood, stagnant menstrual blood, and menstrual pain as well as 3D printed sculptures of the ten most ubiquitous proteins found uniquely in menstrual blood and of proteins grown out of stem cells that were found in the artist's menstrual blood.

We have been menstruating since the beginning of human life, yet there is very little known about what is in the fluid released by menstruating individuals. So we set out to find what proteins are in menstrual effluent using mass spectrometry. This is the first time anyone has tracked menstrual blood proteins in the same individual over a long period of time. In doing so, we established the first stable menstrual blood proteome. We have found many proteins not seen in venous blood. Some of these proteins protect the female reproductive organs from infection and foster the local microbiome. Others signal to cells to die or transform. Many of the proteins are essential for the way cells come together to form the walls of the uterus or excretions that constitute mucus. Many of those proteins can be linked to fertility, endometriosis, and cervical cancer. Still, others have completely mysterious roles to science, yet are quite prevalent, like the major vault protein, which hides RNA within its vault-like structure for unknown reasons.
In this olfactory piece, the three scent bottles contain the smell of fresh menstrual blood, stagnant menstrual blood, and menstrual pain. One bottle contains the top ten proteins found uniquely in menstrual blood. Another bottle has an organ garden grown out of menstrual blood. Scientists have discovered that cells taken from menstrual blood can be used like stem cells to repair damaged tissue or even grow into new organs. One day, menstruating people could use their menstrual blood for their own treatment. This would overcome a major problem of immune system rejection.
Menstruating people’s unique ability has been discarded and treated as an annoyance. I am fascinated by the idea that it could now be our superpower to treat ourselves without invasive stem cell harvesting procedures. If we can harvest menstruation blood to cure disease and grow our own organs (or organs to be donated), what new body politics does this superpower create? We are banned from abortion. Will our superpower be banned or harvested? Will menstruation be one more way to be exploited? Would the ability to access and grow organs, even in the comfort of one's home, create advantages for menstruating people? Could this superpower tilt the balance of power between womb-holders and those without?
A smell of one's own: feminine trails in art
Review by Fragrantica

Science Collaborators: Cooper Galvin, Momo Sae-Lee, Edward Marcotte
Scent advisors: Andreas Keller, Saskia Wilson-Brown